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Our Learning

Year 3


Class Teacher: Sarah Martin (Mon-Wed) and Gill Whittington (Wed-Fri) /

Teaching Assistant (HLTA): Sue Abramson


Class Teacher: Alice Wademan

Teaching Assistant (HLTA): Sue Abramson


Sherwood Forest

Class Teacher: Maisie Shepherd

Teaching Assistant (HLTA): Sue Abramson

Welcome to our Year 3 webpage

Here you will find everything you and your parents need to know about your year group. Below, you will find links to homework, letters and announcements, PE and our class blog and gallery.

P.E will be taught on Wednesday afternoons. You may arrive in school wearing your P.E kit, and are encouraged to have jumpers and coats to be able to use our outside spaces as normal on these days. If the weather is cold, please remember to tracksuit trousers and a school jumper. 

Please remember to bring a freshly filled water bottle (no juice/flavoured water) to school every day. Also, children may bring their own snack in KS2, as long as it is a healthy snack like fruit, cheese, yogurt or non-chocolate cereal bars. No crisps, biscuits, sweets or bars containing chocolate, thank you.


Here is our meet the teacher PowerPoint:


Contact Us

Stoke Damerel Primary Academy Collingwood Road Stoke Plymouth Devon PL1 5PA