Safeguarding Links
If you have any concerns about a child, please come and share your concerns immediately with either:
- Annie Blackie (Headteacher) - Designated Safeguarding Officer
- Natalie Turnock (Deputy Headteacher) - Designated Deputy Safeguarding Officer
- James Allington (Assistant Headteacher) - Designated Deputy Safeguarding Officer
- Isla Ellis (SENDco) - Designated Deputy Safeguarding Officer
SDPA Safeguarding Leaflet
- SDPA Safeguarding Leaflet Website October 2022.pdf
- Plymouth Safeguarding Board For local advice on various safeguarding issues.
- Educate Against Hate National website for guidance on Extremism and Radicalisation
- Digizen Provides online safety information for parents, carers and young people
- Anti-bullying Alliance Signs that your child might get bullied and what to do next
- Ace Education Advice for parents how to tackle bullying at school
- Bullying UK Advice for parents for example about bullying in younger children and bullying of disabled children
- EACH Homophobic bullying freephone Actionline and other information
- Family Lives A charity that runs a free and confidential 24-hour helpline for parents. Call 0808 800 2222 to speak about any parenting issue, including bullying.
- NHS Bullying Advice for parents
- Carers Trust National Organisation
- Children's Society National organisation, young carers information
- Barnado's Offer services for young carers and their families
- Mental Health Foundation Provides advice and support to parents with mental health issues.
- Stop CSE A national helpline where you can get support and advice as a parent if you are concerned regarding possible sexual exploitation.
- PACE Parents against Sexual Exploitation call 0113 240 5226
- Victim Support Can provide parents and young people with direct support
- NSPCC Call the helpline 0808 800 5000
- Parent Info Here you'll find a collection of articles, tips, expert advice and resources designed to help parents keep up with what their children are doing on-line. Schools are welcome to subscribe to a feed for their own websites and use the content as they wish.
- Guide to keeping children safe
- Keeping children safe Find out how you can keep children safe from abuse and other dangers, both online and in the physical world.
- Sexting: advice for parents How to talk to your child about the risks of sexting – and what you can do to protect them
- Spot the signs Barnardo's advice for parents