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Our School

Staff Team

Stoke Damerel Primary Academy has a dedicated and experienced staff who are committed to ensuring the children receive the best possible education. The staffing structure of the school is designed to ensure excellent leadership and management as well as the highest quality teaching and learning.

Senior Leadership Team

Annie Blackie (Headteacher)

Natalie Turnock (Deputy Headteacher)

James Allington (Assistant Headteacher)


Isla Ellis

Office Staff

Dionne Webber (Office Manager), Lauren Clark (Administrator)


Mitchel Hubbard

Lilliput FC

Janice Carr, Teresa Colquhoun, Maddison Dickson

Lilliput FL

Sam Lampard, Lyndsey Fisher

YR1 - Camelot

Lucy Hodge, Natalie Turnock, Jackie Horswell

YR1 - Hamelin

Megan Shaw, Roz Luton 

YR2 – One Hundred Acre Wood

Amanda Barnett, Lauren Smith

YR2 - Secret Garden

Fiona Brent, Hayley Easterbrook

YR3 – Neverland

Sarah Martin, Gill Whittington, Christina Roden

YR3 – Wonderland

Alice Wademan, Christina Roden

YR3 – Sherwood Forest

Maisie Shepherd, Christina Roden

YR4 – Atlantis

Kayley Smith, Katie Maguire

YR4 – Treasure Island

Dixie Till, Jane Full

YR5 – Hogwarts

Rose Pearce, Ethan Barbour

YR5 – Narnia

Phil Nugent, Tina Roden, Angela Lucas

YR6 - Elsinore

Caroline Quest, Aqsa Ali

YR6 - Dunsinane

James Allington, Nicky Whitby, Aqsa Ali

YR6 - Verona

Rachel Locke, Aqsa Ali

Birds Nest

Intervention HLTA

Allison Flack, Stevie Heard

Kirsten Freeman

Meal Time Assistants

Sarah Brooks-Mortimer, Caitlyn Campbell, Odete Goncalves, Debbie Hawken, Julie Masson, Carol Matchett, Janet Pengelly, Yuko Sander, Stefan Venetos, Dave Whitford

Contact Us

Stoke Damerel Primary Academy Collingwood Road Stoke Plymouth Devon PL1 5PA