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Our Learning

Reading in Key Stage 2

Each week brings a new text for the children to explore and practise their comprehension skills. On Mondays, we explore the text and practise our prediction skills. On Tuesdays we focus on vocabulary to help us understand the text more. On Wednesday, we ask questions about the text so on Thursday, we can practise all of our comprehension skills.

In class, our comprehension skills are known as VIPERS.

  • V - Vocabulary
  • I - Inference
  • P - Prediction
  • E - Explain
  • R - Retrieve
  • S - Summarise

Reading for Pleasure

We dedicate our Friday reading lessons to Reading for Pleasure. We play games in class, produce art work and drawings based on books we enjoy and sometime we simply sit and enjoy a good book!

Bookmark Rewards

Children can earn stars on their book mark for the pages that they read. Once they collect 21 stars, they achieve their Bronze Award 21 more stickers for their Silver and another 21 stickers for their gold. Once they have achieved their Gold Award, they get a free book from our book vending machine. They can then work towards their Platinum Award which, when achieved, will make them a Reading Ambassador for the school!

To earn a stick, children should read:

  • Year 3 - 30 pages
  • Year 4 - 40 pages
  • Year 5 - 50 pages
  • Year 6 - 60 pages

We also have a list of must-read books and these can earn children a bonus sticker if they complete the book!

Contact Us

Stoke Damerel Primary Academy Collingwood Road Stoke Plymouth Devon PL1 5PA