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Developing The Whole Child

At Stoke Damerel, we are passionate about the development of the whole child, both as an individual and as a learner. The roots of our curriculum aim to equip children with the skills and attitudes needed to succeed in the 21st century. As a school, we promote the key skills and attitudes below which will help children become life-long learners and succeed in the future. These are embedded in our curriculum and celebrated and developed in all classes and in our wider community.

The roots of our curriculum

If the subjects and knowledge of our curriculum are the branches and leaves of knowledge, the key skills can be seen as the roots which underpin that knowledge.

Our curriculum has three key roots

Key competencies – Developing the child as a learner

What does this mean?

  • Visible learning
  • Assessment for learning
  • Meta cognition
  • IPC Brainwaves unit
  • Children owning their learning
  • Success criteria
  • Assessment and Marking Policy

Personal development – Developing the whole child

What does this mean?

  • Feeling safe
  • Relationships within school
  • Community – working with families
  • Self-development
  • PSHE – Jigsaw
  • Clear behaviour systems

Key skills – Developing the core skills

What does this mean?

  • High quality reading, writing and mathematics curriculum, teaching and learning
  • High quality books to support learning
  • Reading, writing and maths across the curriculum
  • Discrete computing lessons and computing within other subjects



Our SEND padlet gives lots of information about Inclusion at Stoke Damerel and links for other support and provision available in the city. Click on the link to the right of the page to access 

Contact Us

Stoke Damerel Primary Academy Collingwood Road Stoke Plymouth Devon PL1 5PA