My name is Caroline Quest and I lead the subject of History across our school. In this role, I have a strategic overview of this subject and regularly liaise with teachers, in all year groups, to ensure that your child has a rich and exciting experience of History. I also coordinate whole-school, ‘one off’ events, linked to historical celebration and commemoration.
Below you will find a lot of information about your child’s journey through our school as a historian.
If you have any questions about this subject, or have relevant expertise that you feel you could offer, then please do not hesitate in contacting me: caroline.quest@stokedamerelacademy.org
Caroline Quest
How is History taught at this school?
Here you will find my Intent, Implementation and Impact statement for History.
When will my child learn History?
Here you will find my History Route Planner, where you can find both the name of the history unit being learnt and the term in which it will be taught. Further details about each unit are also included here.
How will my child's skills and knowledge progress in History?
Here you will find my Progression of Skills document, which will allow you to see how your child will develop, as a historian, as they move through our school.
What 'key knowledge' will my child learn in History?
Here you will find my Golden Nuggets documents, which layout the essential historical knowledge that your child should be able to recall by the end of the learning sequence. They also make great discussion point questions, when you ask your child, "What did you do at school today?" and they respond with, "Nothing."
What historical words will my child be expected to use?
Here you will be able to discover all of the subject specific vocabulary (which we call Star Words), linked to each history unit.
Future plans for History at SDPA
Here you will find my Action Plan for History for this year.